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CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo front L
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo view-2 L
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo front L
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo front S
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
CHARSANO RZ F1 product photo view-3 S

Expert advise & quotation

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Όνομα ποικιλίας
Αριθμός εισαγωγής
69-600 RZ F1

Reliable crop and uniform product

Charsano RZ is a Swiss chard variety with dark green leaves and white veins that is suitable for the baby-leaf, teen leaf and mature leaf markets. The fast-growing and very uniform crop achieves a high yield of consistent product. The leaves are healthy and strong against Peronospora farinosa and Cercospora. The seed germination is very good. Charsano RZ is suitable for year-round baby-leaf production and for mature-leaf production in spring and autumn.

• Strong and reliable crop
• Uniform end product
• Strong against leaf diseases